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The next time someone says something like "comics are pointless", show them this.

Welcome to "Comics are Important"! My goal is to put out a series of personal and analytical essays about certain comics that I am passionate about and have the same literary value as prose novels. In addition to this, you will find articles regarding the comics that I plan on reading for the week. In the future, I plan on expanding to other mediums such as video games and animation as well as providing updates on my own personal creative projects. So sit back. Pick an essay. And enjoy!     -Griff

Post: Welcome
Writer's pictureGriff Massey

Update & New Schedule

Just to get straight to the point, I’m sorry for the inconsistent upload schedule. I’m new to writing blogs, and the schedule and topics that I set-up for myself were a bit too much for me at the time. Since then, I’ve organized a far better schedule that will allow me to put out better articles/essays at a more consistent pace. I just want to update everyone on my schedule and what you can expect from this blog in the near future.

What I’m Reading

Structure-wise, these articles will be the same. The only difference is that I’ll be uploading them on Tuesday instead of Monday. I really like writing these because they’re great ways to fight writer’s block while also keeping the blog active.

Books I’m Stoked For

So far, I’ve only put out one of these articles, but I do plan on writing more. Like I said in the original article, these will come out when a book I’m interested in is announced. In future installments, I’ll be putting a bigger focus on why I’m excited for the book rather than what the book is about.


I still plan on doing this, but I’m going to rework it a bit. I started writing a couple of these, and I found it sort of monotonous. I was repeating myself constantly. That’s not to say that Spawn is a bad series because if you ever read one of those early issues, you’d know how wild this series is. So, instead of writing about one issue per article, I will be covering a group of issues per article. That being said, the first RetroSPAWNtive article will focus on the first six issues of the series.

DC Fandome

If you read my friend, Sully’s blog, Insert Film Blog Name, you’d know that we’re teaming up to give our thoughts on the big announcements of DC’s Fandome event. You can find the first part of our coverage here…..

The original idea for this collaboration was that Sully would cover the film news while I talk about the video game and comic news. And then for one reason or another, DC announced that Fandome was going to be split into two separate parts. Because of this, there was not a lot of comics coverage. The only thing revealed was the return of DC’s Milestone imprint; however, they followed up this announcement by saying that a digital sneak peek would be released during the second part of Fandome which is this Saturday. Long story short, I thought it would be best to wait until the second part of Fandome for me to give my thoughts on it. That article should drop this Sunday, so stay tuned.

Essay Schedule

Here we go. My original intention for this blog was to publish essays about why comics are important, and it still is. About a month ago, I announced on Instagram (@finstergarf) that my first two essays were going to be about Harleen and Doom Patrol. That has changed for a couple of reasons. First and foremost, I feel like my first couple of essays should talk about how and why comics can compete with other forms of entertainment in terms of quality. As amazing as Harleen is, my essay for it is more about the meaning behind the story rather than how that story is told through a combination of visuals and written words. Wow, that was a really pretentious way to say “comics”. I promise that none of my essays will sound this pompous. Also, Harleen deals with some sensitive topics, and I feel like my first couple of essays should focus on books that don’t deal with such heavy topics. I’ve written most of that essay, so I will post it at some point, just not now.

As for the Doom Patrol essay, I plan on diving deep into the book to write it. This includes reading every issue of Doom Patrol (which, at the time of writing this, is at 208 issues), combing through creator interviews, and a bunch of other research. So yeah, the Doom Patrol essay is going to be a *project* that’s going to take some time to research and write.

Now the only question left is “What am I working on now”? Well, first off, my first essay will be about the first volume of Fire Power by Robert Kirkman, Chris Samnee, and Matthew Wilson. I think Fire Power will be great topic for me to cover for my first essay because 1) there are some fantastic sequences that highlight the storytelling prowess of comics, 2) it’s still pretty new so if you want to read it before my essay comes out you won’t have trouble looking for it, and 3) it’s just a damn beautiful comic that not enough people are talking about! My plan is to re-read it tomorrow and have the essay out within two weeks.

After that, I’ll start work on a comparative essay about how comics can enhance literary works. I don’t want to reveal what it is yet but here’s a hint: I plan on reading one of the earliest sci-fi novels and an adaptation of it from one of the greatest masters of horror comics!

So there it is! You’re all caught up in the inner workings of Comics are Important! I still have a whole lot of fun stuff planned for this blog, and I hope you all will be here for it!

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